Unconscious Attraction
The significance of your subconscious connection to the universal Law of Attraction is that you can have, do, and be whatever you want.
How amazing is that?
The universe is actually responding to every single thought, word and deed that you have ever manifested or will ever manifest. It’s extraordinary: universal Law of Attraction concepts give us the power to be everything we want to be at, and so few of us ever use it.
Just with a few simple steps – identifying your goals, which almost nobody does, and then stating them as affirmations every day, can completely change your life faster than you could ever imagine.
(And as a kind of cosmic insurance policy, Marc Allen suggests that at the end of every goal you say “this or something better is now manifesting in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, for the highest good of all.)
The Next Step – Attraction & Manifestation
The next step in manifesting a different way of life for you is to set forth your ideal scene as a kind of blueprint. This is what L J Carroll meant when she spoke of “the architecture of your abundance“.
Marc Allen speaks of having around two or three major goals at any given time – and that certainly seems to be a manageable number for most people.
It allows you to come up with a reasonable number of affirmations, and indeed also the next step: a short simple plan for every major goal, summarized clearly on one page.
Note that forming a plan to achieve a goal does not involve writing a business plan or a 45 page document.
This is a simple and straightforward plan for your use only, and its purpose is to remind your subconscious mind that you desire these goals.
Putting your plan on a piece of paper is going to reinforce that fact for your subconscious.
For the purposes of the subconscious mind, trying to manifest something using Law of Attraction principles requires simplicity of expression.
You must put an instruction to your subconscious mind in a clear and simple way. That’s something like the level of complexity you’d use when giving an instruction to a five-year-old child. Then your subconscious mind will say “yes”, and instantly set about finding how your desired reality can be created in the world around you.
Note that your subconscious mind is willing to support you in whatever it is you wish to achieve, but the responsibility for setting forth to achieve it is always yours. Nobody else is going to do this work for you.
One possibility is to form a simple one-page plan for each of your major goals as the starting point to attraction them with the universal law.
As I emphasized before, the exact process that you follow for manifesting reality is under your control, so that it’s entirely possible you may prefer to have a detailed plan. Fair enough.
This is all about doing whatever it is makes it most likely for you to be able to manifest your goals in the shortest possible time.
Start by writing your plan for achieving your goals in your own words – do it simply! In fact, make the complex simple, and make it resonate for you. You see, the thing about this process is that written words are very powerful.
A Recap Of Goal Setting
You started with your ideal scene, and that ideal scene contains a variety of goals, hopefully now listed on another page or two, and goals rewritten in the form of affirmations.
If you make a single page plan for every major goal, they will manifest in quick time in a mysterious way that always seems mysterious and inexplicable.
Indeed, simply writing a one-page plan of action is enough to give a signal to the subconscious mind that action is now required.
Video: You And Your Goals
Accordingly, your subconscious will begin to manifest the circumstances and coincidences and events that you need to bring your goal into reality.
When you’ve written your one-page plan, there are more things that you can do to make it into a reality for your subconscious.
One of the first things that you can do is to set out some reasons why this goal is important to you.
What are your highest spiritual reasons for wanting whatever it is that you’ve set forth as a goal? And what strategies might you employ to reach it?
If you break down these criteria, you could ask yourself a number of questions like:
- Why are you in this business?
- Why do you want to achieve these particular objectives?
- What accomplishments do you need to bring about to be successful?
- What specific actions will you take over time to bring these about?
Again, the point of these questions is to bring to your own attention the factors that are important about manifesting a goal for you.
Remember that when you write down anything, you’re sending a clear message to your subconscious – and via your subconscious to the universe.
It’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that when you do this you actually send the message out to every single person on this planet, including all the ones who might be able to help you achieve whatever it is you’re trying to get hold of.
So writing down your goal on a piece of paper turns it from a dream into an intention.
This indicates your seriousness about achieving a particular outcome in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all.
And now bear in mind that the universe, having got this instruction, is going to start offering you possibilities for achieving it.
This is the point at which you must take action of some kind.
If different opportunities or different possibilities for action present themselves, then it’s up to you to choose between them, or indeed to try more than one.
Sooner or later, one of them will actually produce the outcome that you desired, so by setting a clear intention, you cause your mind to start looking for opportunities rather than obstacles and problems.
It’s almost as though what you think about actually expands to fill the mental space available – and then some!
Because the amount of mental space available to you is infinite – it’s the space of the entire universe.
So when your intention has become solid, it’s much easier for the universe to manifest the reality that you need to bring it into being. It’s also much easier for your subconscious mind to follow the law of attraction and bring it to you.
Now of course having written your ideal scene, listed your goals, and affirmations, practiced affirming those goals regularly, and written a one-page plan for each of your major goals, you still need to keep going over and over the information you’ve put together.
As you go over them, you can keep them current by changing them as necessary.
You might want to do this as often as once a month, or you might want to do it as infrequently as once a year. What it is important to know about, however, is your main financial goal for the next 12 months.
By having a single figure in mind, your subconscious gets clarity and you definitely have a target which it can manifest much more easily than if you phrased your desired outcome in vague generalities.
Interestingly enough, one of the limitations that you might come across here is that you’ll get what you project, i.e. you’ll get what you ask for – and that might limit you. It may be that if you set your objectives higher, then you can achieve more.
On the other hand, if you set your objectives too high, then you may find you don’t believe they are achievable, and that can certainly kill them stone dead.
You see, specific numerical goals are something the subconscious mind loves, because they are clear and precise and unambiguous.
With an unambiguous objective, your mind will produce all sorts of ideas about how you can achieve it.
Sometimes people who are beginning to manifest their reality in this way feel overwhelmed by what they’re trying to do. That’s actually quite natural for almost anyone trying something that is beyond their previous experience.
Yet as Mark Twain so rightly said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started, and the secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable ones, and then getting started on the first one of those.”
It’s important that this doesn’t become a burden! It’s important you actually continue to enjoy your life, because, well, that’s what life is for.
And remember that whatever you are trying to achieve, is not the be -all and end-all of life!
Another extremely important aspect of life is relaxation, and it’s up to you to ensure that you manifest relaxation and enjoy life by taking time to relax, and to do the things that you enjoy doing.
You don’t need to kill yourself in your attempt to achieve your goals!